Welcome to Waverly Road Presbyterian Church! We’re celebrating our 75th Anniversary all year long!
Please join us for in-person and online worship services every Sunday at 11:00am.
Beginning Sunday, October 24, 2021, the following guidelines will be in effect:
- Those who have been vaccinated for Covid-19 no longer need to wear a mask. However, you may keep wearing a mask if you wish.
- The seating in the front of the sanctuary will be unrestricted. If you have been vaccinated, you may sit in the unmarked pews without social distancing. Please reserve the pews in the back of the sanctuary for those who wish to maintain social distancing. If you choose to sit in the socially distant pews, you will be asked to wear a mask.
- We will begin congregational singing! Hymns and bibles will be placed in the pews, but the words to the hymns will also be in the bulletin.
- The HVAC system will be kept running during the service. This will increase airflow but will also increase background noise and may make it a bit cooler than you are used to, so please plan appropriately.
- We will continue the practice of not passing offering plates or communion plates for the time being. The offering plates will be placed in the narthex for people to place their gifts and communion will continue to be prepackaged.
- Church committees and ministries can meet in the church without needing prior authorization from Session. Outside groups will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Click on either link for online Sunday Worship Services:
- https://www.facebook.com/WaverlyRoadPresbyterianChurch/?ref=bookmark
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1dv3U42u4jLIksq_71Foyg