Music, Art, and Drama
Learn how you can use your gifts to help express God's love!
Music in Worship
Program led by: Dr. Kate Stubbs (Director of Music Ministries), Rachel Lawson (Assistant Children's Music Director), and Susan Whipple (Organist).
Our regularly scheduled music programs are:
Chancel Choir:
Rehearsals on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, or makeup on Sunday morning at 9:00 AM. Our Chancel Choir is a choir of adults dedicated to sharing their time, talent, and love of singing. Youth who are interested and able are also welcome to participate.
Earnest Ringers Adult Handbell Choir:
Wednesdays at 6:00 PM. (seasonal)
Children's Music Class:
Currently this program is not is session.
Art and Drama
Waverly Road wants to encourage our members to express their love of God in a multitude of creative ways. With that in mind, we have hosted art shows, welcomed visiting artists, incorporated crafts for children, and provided art opportunities for adults. One of our members has developed cutwork banners to hang in our sanctuary windows to enhance Bible passages throughout the year, especially during Lent.
H.E.A.R.T.S. Gallery at WRPC
(Helping Everyone Artistically Respond to Scripture)
Do you want to create something lively to share with the church family? Do so and loan it to us, and then enjoy the accolades that your church family will give you for sharing your gift with us! Requirements are that it must be able to be hung (wire framing on back is easiest), must receive approval from the Worship Committee, must have some kind of tag to identify its title and creator.
Grace Drama Team
Throughout the year, the "Grace Group Drama Team" frequently presents dramatic portrayals, readings, and stories in special worship services. The team is led by Suzanne Huron and meets on Wednesdays after the WOW meal. If you are interested in acting, set design, or other aspects of drama, then this is the class for you!