Missions: Throughout the World
Missions, for us, is about reaching beyond our community and loving our world. Look below to learn more about how we support missions around the globe.
5-Cents-A-Meal Offerings and Special Offerings
The purpose of Cents-Ability is to get individual families involved in contributing to a larger corporate effort to fight hungera. Like other congregations, WRPC invites every member of all ages to contribute and collect a few cents at every meal throughout each month. This simple act is an expression of thanks for what we have received. Members bring their offerings to church one Sunday a month. "Churches are encouraged to regularly participate in the 5-Cents-A-Meal Special Offering that is used exclusively to assist Holston Presbytery congregations in their local and international hunger relief ministries. Since its inception, Holston Presbytery congregations have collected and distributed more than $1.5 million for local and international food relief!"
Click here for more information.
One Great Hour of Sharing (Season of Lent) - Through this longstanding, ecumenical effort, Presbyterians share God's love through ministries that provide relief to those affected by disasters, food for the hungry, and support toward the self-development of poor and oppressed communities.
Pentecost (Season of Pentecost) - This offering allows us to invest in the faith formation of one of the church's greatest resources - our youth. The offering supports youth initiatives in our own congregation and around the globe.
Peace & Global Witness (Season of Peace) - This offering shares the peace of Christ by promoting ministries of reconciliation and peace within cultures of violence and conflict, including our own.
Christmas Joy (Season of Advent and Christmas) - This offering provides financial assistance to individuals and families who have dedicated their lives to the church and supports leadership development and education for students attending Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges.
Central America
Osman Hope - Honduras
Osman Hope provides a positive, lasting impact in the lives of impoverished children with the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty. The organization works with local churches to nourish young bodies, minds and spirits by providing Christian care, and provide encouragement for education and leadership training that teaches life skills. This ministry was founded by Peter Borg of Kingsport.
Funding from WRPC has been used to sponsor individual children and shelters which provide after-school meals, care and educational support. Several church members participated in a mission trip to Honduras, where we worked with children at shelters and helped repaint an area of one of the the shelters.
Sarah Eldredge, who grew up at WRPC, serves as the Secretary of the Board.
Education Congo
In celebration of Waverly Road Presbyterian Church’s 75th Anniversary in 2022, we matched a donation from a WRPC family towards the cost of a $25,000 Named Fund. A Named Fund is similar but not identical to an endowment and will generate ongoing income beginning in 2023, thus providing financial support for students attending school at either Congo Protestant University or African Evangelical University for years to come.
Moyo wa Afrika – Tanzania
Moyo Wa Afrika’s mission is to increase access to education and health services for people from remote villages in Tanzania, while focusing on community-initiated projects and working closely with local leaders and organizations.
WRPC’s financial support and fund-raising auction has helped founder Karah Germroth (whose home church is WRPC) establish an organization that helps local people by making linkages to services. Results include free medical clinics, coverage of transportation costs for medical patients, secondary school sponsorships, job-readiness training and business / economic empowerment activities for women in remote villages. There is also shoe distribution for students and various elements of school support.
Congo Hope
Bulape is the community in Congo where a school was built in memory of Lee Garber a few years ago. Through our mission contact, Jimmy Shafe, we learned about a need for help with construction of buildings that will house a school for girls studying cutting and sewing, a pastoral institute, and supplies for the hospital that include a permanent source of drinking water.
Butoke Nutrition Center - Congo
Butoke Nutrition Center is located in Tshkaji, Democratic Republic of Congo but the nearest larger city is Kananga located in Kasai province.
Butoke provides for poor people in the Democratic Republic of Congo in four areas: Education, Health Care, Nutrition and Food Security and Protection. Part of their mission is to educate and raise funds among foundations, organizations and individuals in the United States for a humanitarian, nongovernmental organization entitled “Butoke”. Butoke ministers to victims of poverty, oppression and abuse in areas of Food Security and Nutrition, Education, Access to Health Care, Malnutrition, Care of Those with Disabilities, and Human Rights.
WRPC provides financial support to Butoke Nutrition Center so they can make a great difference in the lives of the orphans, school children, and the sick and elderly.
Living Waters for the World
Living Waters for the World is a ministry of the Synod of Living Waters. Volunteers are trained to establish and lead water mission teams that partner with communities to implement and operate sustainable water purification systems and health education programs.
Spreading the Word
Love Packages
Headquartered in Butler, Illinois
Love Packages is an organization that places Christian literature and Bibles into the hands of people around the world.
WRPC collects used Christian literature that is distributed to English-speaking Christian pastors, teachers and leaders in countries where such literature is not easily available. Our collection is part of the 20 million tons shipped each week by the Love Packages organization to feed the word of God to hungry hearts throughout the world.