Other Programs
Shepherds meet on Tuesdays at 11:00 AM in the Meeting Room to pray for our church, our fellowship, our nation, and our world. Please join us in prayer.
Circle of the Word
Circle of the Word is a small group that meets at 11:00 AM on the 2nd Monday of each month. This group focuses on a Bible study lesson usually based on a specific book, topic, or person. They also do a service project each month and participate in the "Operation Christmas Child" program by Samaritan's Purse.
Feast of Fellowship
Feast of Fellowship meets during February, March, and April. Anyone from our fellowship is invited to sign up to eat dinner with a different group of 6-8 people each of those three months. Each group schedules a time that is convenient for them. It is a special way to get to know each other.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School gives us a chance to get hands-on with scripture, experiencing God's love with all our senses. Each year we have a different fun theme to engage the children and focus on learning and loving!
Waverly Wanderers
There is no regular schedule for this activity. Whenever someone is interested and able to lead the group, they make the offer available. Past trips have included:
Biltmore Estates in Asheville, NC
Milligan Jazz Ensemble
- Paddlewheel River Boat Excursion in Knoxville, TN
- Frescoes in West Jefferson, NC
- Jonesborough Repertory Theatre “USO Show”
- Jonesborough Repertory Theatre “Swing”
- Galax, Virginia Bluegrass Weekend
- Salt Mines Museum in Saltville, VA
- Blue Ridge Parkway and Visitor’s Center
- The Orangery in Knoxville, TN
- Boone Heritage Trail in Cumberland Gap, TN/KY
- Mid-State Museum in Dublin, VA
- Explore Marion, VA
- Lectures and Concerts at King College, Bristol
- Several plays at Barter Theatre
- Wilderness Road in Mid-Virginia
Each of these excursions include a meal at a restaurant that is noted in the area as being a wonderful dining experience….something that is different and definitely not a chain type restaurant. These trips are planned and coordinated to leave no earlier than 8:00am and to arrive back at the church by 5:00pm and to have lunch at normal hours, generally 11:30am – 1:00pm. Any suggestions for other road trips are welcomed but need to fit within the hours listed (guesstimate) trips less than 150 miles radius
Barnabas Program
The Barnabas Program has secretly paired our college students with encouragers, congregational members who provide support through prayer, note cards, and small care packages throughout the year. The students may be living at home or attending school far away. Sometimes during the summer, a gathering will be planned where Barnabas is revealed to each student.
Bible Studies
During certain times of the year, we have intensive Bible studies targeting women or specific groups. You are always welcome to bring a friend and childcare is usually provided. Information concerning materials and registration will be highlighted in our weekly Newsheet our in our Sunday bulletins.
Men's Prayer Breakfasts
Every second Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM at First Presbyterian Church in Kingsport, WRPC and First Presbyterian Church Men's Groups gather for a hearty breakfast, prayer, and fellowship. All men are welcome, so bring your appetite!